About Us

The Hoppercone products line was originally founded in Montana by Marvin and Kathy Kaptein. The Kaptein’s started out manufacturing farm machinery such as drill fills, augers, and center sweeps in addition to their own farming. In 1985, believing there had to be a better way to clean out grain bins, they designed and built the first hopper for their own use. Those first hoppers are still in use!
Marvin and Kathy relocated to Rock Valley, Iowa in 2007. They designed a unique bolt together hopper allowing even large hoppers to be built and transported in sections. Redstone Industries acquired the Hoppercone product line in 2017. After purchasing Hoppercone, Redstone Industries moved all operations to Iroquois, South Dakota.
Redstone Industries specializes in quality steel fabrication. Our primary products are hoppers and related components. However, we also serve local customers with steel sales and custom fabrication.
Redstone Industries is co-owned by Brian Hiebert and Byron Adkins. As partners in a small company, we are directly involved in every aspect of the business. Don’t be surprised to speak with one of us when you call! Brian manages shop production and design while Byron will likely be the one to deliver your hopper! We have both been involved in farming and steel fabrication all our lives, so we understand the goals and values you have on your farm. Our goal is to provide a quality product that will not only stand the test of time but increase the efficiency and value of your farm as well! We operate our business on Christian principles, making honesty and integrity our top priority.
As a small company we work a little differently…
- We prefer to work directly with farmers or millwrights to determine the best solution
- No inflated list prices with complicated discounts. Pricing is simple and direct as possible
- We are a fabrication shop, so we love creating solutions to unique customer needs
- Since we are actively involved in each step of the process from design to final installation, we streamline the design for better efficiency and ultimately better value for you
- We are dedicated to 100% customer satisfaction. We realize everyone makes mistakes, however, if we make one, we do what it takes to fix it
Redstone Industries, LLC is located near Iroquois, South Dakota